Friday, September 26, 2008

Mission Planning for 2nd Annual B5Q

I am starting this post as a way to create a list of ideas/todo list for this upcoming year.

  1. Date??? Keep the same? Move back?
  1. Do we need a new location??? Where the view is better and we could create a better target area??
  1. Ripple multiple
  2. Software driven drop
  3. Actually be able to get it out of the aircaft
  1. Make config file xml serialized and config a singleton
  2. Add constant record of flight data and drop info
  3. Add trigger to have software drop the bomb(maybe)
  4. Maybe goto directx or opengl
  5. Figure out what to do with GPS liscense
  1. Kludge is working on new patch(may end up a T-shirt)
  2. Motto, callsigns and fun stuff like that
  3. Anand needs to buy a flight suit, try ebay
Feel free to comment or email me with suggestions, info etc....