Sunday, May 11, 2008

Were gonna drop a bomb!

Normandy Recon
Josh and I checked out Normandy on Saturday and were able to figure out quite a bit. First, it appears that there is enough open land for us to drop the bombs, and for spectators to safely watch. Secondly, that area is extremely busy during the middle of the day because of the glider club that is right next to it. This means we will want to drop either really early Saturday morning or near dusk Saturday night. This week Josh and I will check it out by land to make sure we have enough room. It's really the only hurdle left. As long as it seems safe we will be a 100% go.

Delivery mechanism
Mr. Kult has been busy constructing the delivery device. As you can see by the pictures its pretty much done other than a few possible tweaks. We need to add a safety device to make sure we don't drop the bombing while loading, Josh's neighbors will appreciate that.

Mr. Kult has been asking for graphs so I created a spreadsheet of a sample launch that shows the projected bomb position after drop. The good news is the bomb is projected to be a full 20 feet below the aircraft when it should be even with the elevator. So that means we won't hit the elevator with the bomb causing us to lose control of the aircraft and spiral to our death. The picture is another mode that I added to the B3C2 which allows us to view the flight path. I plan on adding more data if time permits.

What's Next?
I already mentioned that this week Josh and I are going to recon Normandy by land. I also need to fly a few more practice mission as well as test out the B3C2. I hope to fly once this Saturday at the time we plan on dropping to check out the traffic around that airport and then maybe one more time the next week for a practice run.

1 comment:

Jeremy Schneider said...

Isn't BQ5 on a Sunday, not Saturday? I hope you are not making these types of errors in your calculations to drop heavy things from very high up in crowded areas.