Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Delivery System2

Ok the B3C2 is about 99.9% complete. It currently has all of the features that I wanted. Safety zone, record playback, satellite display, etc. I just have to do some very minor polish. Then if I am lucky Mr. Hansen will provide me with some improved graphics. I will release version 1.0 sometime this weekend.

The Delivery System
Dan, Chris and I have been discussing different ideas for the delivery system. The requirements are as follows(optional requirements are bracketed[])
[triggered_by_computer_signal] has to be usb as there is no serial port on the laptop

The physical safety device would not be removed until we are in the safety zone. The ideal system would allow us to hold down a consent switch telling the computer we are ready for launch. But then the computer would decide when to drop the bomb based of the time to release(TREL). This would also allow us to factor out any sort of human error or human delay. In addition, it would be easier to complete the mission with three people instead of four. Different plans have been submitted by Mr. Kult and Mr. Riegel and are currently under review :).

The Normandy Recon Mission has been canceled for this week due to maintenance on the aircraft. It has been rescheduled for Thursday of next week. At that time we will take measurements for the Delivery System, which by the way needs a sweet acronym. If you can think of one email me or comment below.

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