Saturday, March 15, 2008

Recon Mission 1 and Pumpkins

First order please vote to the right, if you can come both days, vote for both. Also, my grandmother(who is almost 80) helped us test bowling ball skip theory. A) She didn't skip and B) We will have to paint a ball red in her honor.

Recon Mission 1
I flew over Cantasplash a few times and checked things out. It was a little windy so I wasn't able to go slower than 100 knots(but with the wind my ground track was probably only 80ish), but easily got as low as 400 feet. I think we have plenty of room there to be completely safe. Mission two will be later this week and we should hopefully be able to fly slower and check out Normandy.

I was searching around and found some fellow crazies that dropped pumpkins out of a plane and tried to hit a target. They had news coverage and everything. Notice 1) How close the bystanders are, and 2) No one dies!!! This video helped negate
my fear of killing someone, spending the next 10 years of my life in jail, and ruining my life, just to drop a stuff out of a plane. I was thinking we need to fly out to their second annual one and use all our sweet software, etc., and show them how its done.

Dan Kult is almost as obsessed as me
I am sure you are all surprised but Dan has become pretty obsessed(in a good way) about the bomb dropping). He has been looking into adding sensors into the bombs, as well as making cartoon images of me(I am not sure how to interpret this).

So I am trying to figure out who is going to be in the flight crew and am running into the problem that everybody weighs too much. We basically have 680lbs for crew and payload.

PilotDan Cooke190lbsI am going to try to lose 15 pounds
NavigatorDan Kult165lbsAlready a lightweight
BombardierAnand Mody150lbsI think this a little high
Video/SafetyMaybe my brother195lbsHe would have to lose a few pounds
Bombs,Laptop,Delivery System
50lbsThis will be as much as we can carry
750lbs70lbs over, if we lose some weight we should be ok.

So Cameron had the idea that we could go on multiple runs, not a bad idea depending on how far away our base camp is from the target. Then we could have multiple Bombardiers.
Also if any one is interested my buddy Mike Cochran got my B3C2 to run on linux, here is the command line instruction:
sudo apt-get install mono libmono-winforms2.0-cil; mono b3c2.exe


mike said...

Are you going to have a press conference the day before the B5Q where the crew weighs in in their underwear?

Dan Cooke said...

Good idea, better yet they can be naked and each holding a bowling ball, cause we will need to weigh those as well.

Anonymous said...

Dan are you planning on wearing a suit of armor on the plane? No way do you weigh anywhere near 200. 170 is more realistic.

Dan Cooke said...

As of last night I weigh 189lbs of pure muscle,in my skibbies